Friday, February 15, 2008

Those you love

As I come crashing down from the sugar high resulting from yesterday's Valentine's celebrations, I think about all the people I should have reached out to yesterday. It saddens me that this is something I am just now thinking about. In reality, my mind should have been on sending flowers to my mom at work, sending my dad a sappy card (from daughter to daddy, of course), calling my big brother just to say hi and sending e-cards to friends rather than thinking about the evening plans. But alas, I didn't, and now I'm dealing with the guilt.

Growing older (and what I like to think is wiser) I've come to realize that Valentine's Day is not about true love, soul mates, cupid, and all that other junk. It's about recognizing the love you have in your heart for those dearest to you: friends and family. These are the people who have stuck around through the worst times, when you've been terrible to them, and they to you, and have still not run screaming in the other direction.

So, take a quick lesson from me, and reach out to those you love whom you may not have yesterday. It will be much appreciated.

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