I'm a big believer in the idea that events in this life unfold for a reason. Not in the, "it's meant to happen because that's your destiny" sense, but more that the Universe has this way of guiding you in ways of bettering your life, if you're open to it.
Often times, as I've found, this means learning a lesson before getting to the good stuff. In recent years, I've noticed that the world has shown me the value of such things as attention to detail and thoroughness - though at the time I had no idea I'd become a skydiver where these attributes would be critical to saving my life. It's also slapped me upside the head recently and let me know that, difficult as it may be, speaking up for my own wants and needs is critical to my happiness - after all, no one else is going to do it for me.
So that takes me to what I believe is my latest lesson; patience.
I'm on to you Universe, you're testing my patience right now...and let me be the first to tell you that you're not going to make me fail at this one. Difficult as it may be, I'm giving every ounce of energy I have left to practicing patience. You're not going to drive me mad with this one.
Sometimes when you see good things start to unfold you just want to skip to the end to reap the rewards. Turns out, this isn't the way things work. And sometimes, no matter how hard the waiting part is, there's nothing more you can do to fill the space between effort and result - aside from waiting.
As the song goes, waiting is the hardest part. And no matter what the result is, making the best of it can be the most important...it's just a matter of not knowing, living in limbo that tends to drive people crazy (well, me at least). So, I'm taking this as a test from the Universe once again, that ultimately will show me the benefits of being patient, and remaining positive at the same time.
But it's far from easy. The questions that run through the mind are enough to drive anyone a little nutty, but it's important to remember, not to doubt yourself, because in the end you don't want to have to pick up more pieces of your shattered self than is necessary.
So tell me dear readers, what are some of your tips and tricks for patience?
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