Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reverb10 - 11 things

The Reverb10 prompt for today is very fitting for 2010. Through all the learning I've done this year, one thing I've come to realize is that there are some things I can do without in my life, and by removing these things, I'm on the path to making my life better.

But I do have to admit that finding 11 things to eliminate in 2011 wasn't an easy task...Sorry, this is a long one today, I got carried away talking about some of these.

So, let's dive right in, shall we?

December 11 – 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)

1. Credit Card Debt - this is something I've been chipping away at for a while, and boy would I love to finally get it all paid off this year. Baby steps, and I'm already well on my way :)

2. Ignorance about my health - I started getting better about this in 2010, making regular dentist and eye doctor appointments, but in 2011 it's going to get even better. It's time to be proactive about my health, go to the dermatologist (after all with this fair skin, I really should), find a dentist here in town, you get the point.

3. Toxic people - something I've mentioned before. In my adult life I've been able to get back some positive vibes by letting go of those friends who ended up being rather toxic, in the end. I think it's not so much about getting rid of people in my life as not letting them in in the first place. I need to be a bit more cautious. Not letting people in so quickly, before they have earned my trust. I've always been known to give people the benefit of the doubt until they've proven me otherwise, and I definitely don't want to change that, but I do think it would be wise to be a bit more cautious in the beginning, to save some hurt feelings in the end.

4. Negativity - This goes well with the above, and definitely beyond. Sorta speaks for itself.

5. Clutter - This year I've spend a lot of time living in clutter, mostly because I've been in transition for most of the year. During the week I'm at the office, on the weekends I've spent a lot of time away, either traveling or skydiving or both. That doesn't leave much time for picking up. I made a vow to myself that living in Chicago it would be different. It's better, but still not up to par. I'm just not at my best when I'm living in clutter.

6. Congested Thoughts - This sorta goes along with clutter, only, specific to my thoughts. Most days my brain looks like a congested expressway during rush hour. Sometimes there are lots of thoughts moving at a rapid pace, at other moments it's so jammed up that the thoughts are at a standstill. I've started practicing more yoga and meditation to help clear my mind a bit - definitely going to continue doing so in 2011. I won't be neglecting me quite so much this next year.

7. Procrastination - I'm one of the worst when it comes to procrastinating. This is something I've been known to do both at the office and at home. It's not like I do it on purpose, but there's always something that needs to be done, so as I see it, if my deadline isn't coming up right away then why not do something that needs to be done now and wait for a while to do that big project that's due next week. I'll tell you why, cuz it's a big project and I'm going to end up working late to get it done cuz I put it off. Granted, some of my best work is done that way, but seriously, if I just start early, and try to get it done little by little, it'll be better in the end.

8. Sitcom addiction - so I hate to admit it, but I'm mildly addicted to sitcoms. When new ones come out on Netfix I tend to spend way more time in front of the TV than I'd prefer. Oh and I could forever watch reruns of The Office and Seinfeld...just sayin. Instead, I'd like to read more and learn more, rather than rotting my brain with this stuff and cluttering it up with dumb (albeit funny) show quotes.

9. Excuses - for not cleaning, for not working out, for not cooking and deciding to eat out, for reading instead of folding the laundry...whatever, no more excuses. Maybe I should throw my iPod in and just get this stuff done.

10. Stress - Now I know this is going to be difficult, given that it's kinda something that comes along with being a young professional and trying to make it personally and professionally, but I'm going to to my best to leave work at work and home at home and living simply so finances don't become a stressor. A girl can try, can't she?

11. Distractions - I'd love to eliminate distractions from my life, though I know this one is likely to be even more difficult that removing stress from my life. And, some distractions are welcome. After all, it's distractions that tend to spur change, right? How about we go with unwelcome distractions so I can accomplish all the things I set out to accomplish. Yeah, we'll go with that.

So tell me dear readers, what do you want to remove from your life in 2001?



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