Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A healthy start

All you resolutioners out there who have vowed to live a healthier 2010 would be proud of my efforts thus far.

The year started out not so great, eating pizza and Oreos on a regular basis, but after reading a few excerpts from this book I decided to get my act together.

I'm not one for gimmicky fad diets, they never work, but I like to read stuff like this and take bits and pieces and adapt them to my life to find what works best to keep me healthy - rather than "the quickest way to lose 10 lbs."

One of the things that the O2 diet mentions is putting lemon in your water for increased antioxidants. Since one of my goals is to drink more water, this has actually helped. I also brought in a fun glass from home that sits on my desk, taunting me to drink from it.

Not sure the glass actually helps, but I have been drinking significantly more agua than the previous couple weeks!

I've also added in foods I never thought of because of this book - like figs. And seriously, I can't believe I lived my life without them before. So scrumptious! Just add a couple dried figs to a pseudo-trail mix of heart-healthy nuts and dried fruit like cherries, cranberries and raisins and a handful of dark chocolate chips and you've got yourself a perfect treat.

In fact, I forgot this little concoction at home today and I'm bummin'.

I also decided to join a gym. Yep, the one that I ranted about a couple weeks back.

I know, I know...but one thing I pride myself on is giving people/companies a second chance. When I approached my contact there, he was friendly and accommodating. Needless to say, we worked something out and I am now a member.

So last night was my first workout experience. Compared to other health clubs I've visited, this one isn't nearly as crowded...huge bonus.

I hate people, after all - especially sweaty strangers.

I kid, I kid...kinda.

Last night was also my first yoga class at the gym. Surprisingly, it was exactly what I'd hoped it would be. A little loud for yoga, but it was power yoga at it's finest.

Sure, it's not a studio where you have a tailored class for your goals, a room heated to 85 degrees or peace and serenity, but it's also not costing me $13 a class. It gets the job done!

Needless to say, today I have a lovely soreness about me and I'm finding that my energy levels are up. I've even got ambition to head home after work today and tackle the chores that await. Laundry here I come!

So tell me dear readers, how are y'all doing on your resolutions?



p.s., if you're interested in the skydiving world, be sure to head over to my other blog, Skydive Chick, to read and interview from THE skydiving photographer, Norman Kent. You won't be disappointed with this one.

1 comment:

  1. I need that book. I used to put a lemon in my water every day but I got out of the habit for some reason.
