Tuesday, September 16, 2008

-A is for Ashley

Seriously, it is.

After some serious thought, I've decided that I'm sick of writing under an anonymous handle. -A is just too impersonal, and you deserve more of me than that. As time goes on and my blog continues to evolve into this amazing ongoing conversation (thanks, for that, by the way), I feel closer to all y'all out there who are reading and commenting.

And let's be honest here, it's not as if I was all that anonymous anyhow. My Twitter, 20SB, and Facebook friends are well aware of this.

So I'm out. It's official. I'm Ashley.

(I know, we're just as surprised as you are!)

To all those who have followed me for so many months, to my regular readers and commenters, and to all those who are new or just stopping by: nice to meet you - finally.



(It's out of pure laziness that I will continue to sign off as -A, but you can call me Ashley, or Princess Ashley, if you feel the urge - I'm okay with that.)


  1. And here I was thinking your name was Aardvark.

  2. Pay no attention to the blogger behind the curtain!

    And Facebook told me your name awhile ago so blame him for this.

  3. ben is so silly.

    congrats on coming out from behind the big blogger curtain! (like the wizard of oz, lol)

  4. I always thought it was weird I was getting messages from A-Minus-But-In-Reverse.

    Nice for it all to make sense now. Kinda.

  5. yay for friendly faces and cleveland (hometown, woot woot). screw anonymity :)

  6. ben - glad I could clear that up for you.

    narm - yeah, who was I fooling...

    transienttravels - you as well!

    maxie - thanks, it feels good!

    so@24 - glad I'm not weirding you out anymore. Kinda.

    ang* - yay Cleveland, or something.
