Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's a small, small world

I'm sure this is something you already know, what with the whole 6 degrees of separation thing, and likely something you've experienced first hand. But I have to tell you that within a span of 10 minutes at lunch today, my head was spinning.

Here's why.

So in order to get to Union Station from my building, I need to take this express bus shuttle. I mean, I know I could walk, but who has the time for that? And I'm certainly not going to pay $6 each way in a cab that is too hot and makes me nauseated. It's kinda nifty, this express bus, and you can buy 10-ride passes for less than $20 at the bank in my building.

As I go to do this, I find out that I can get $5/month off if I open up a checking account. Naturally, I want to know how I can get this account for free, so that I'm not actually paying more in the end.

Long story short the branch manager comes over to explain. It comes up that I grew up in Michigan, as did he, and his family lives a stones throw away from mine (okay, so not quite that close, but you get the idea). His little cousins even graduated from the same high school as me, though they were much younger, so I'm not familiar.

Cool, none the less.

So then I head out of the bank to get the bus schedule from the front desk. Why they don't have them where they sell the tickets is beyond me, but that's not the point.

As I'm walking up to the desk I see a co-worker in the lobby as she's meeting up with a friend for lunch. Turns out, this friend used to work for my company and we did a couple projects together back in the day. Not only that, he went to college with one of my best Florida.

You following?

1. Random manager of a bank grows up practically my neighbor in podunk Michigan.
2. Friend of a colleague used to work with me.
3. Said friend went to college, 1,000 or so miles away, with one of my best friends.
4. All within the span of 10 minutes.

For just having moved to this city, I'm amazed with how many connections have already been made. Most of my friends in Texas were acquired by these same means - small world, we both went to know, that kind of thing.

So tell me dear readers, what have been some of your small world experiences as of late? Am I the only one encountering this craziness?



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