Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time out

Today I made the executive decision to take a little break from blogging.

Or, at least on this blog. I'll still be over here if you care to join me.

There have been a lot of changes in the recent past that have made my life into a whirlwind of activity. Most of which has left me little time for sleep, let alone blogging.

Here's a quick snippet:

  • My travel schedule has ramped up with NYC and Raleigh trips in the near future.
  • I lost a close friend in an accident this weekend and have been dealing with the aftermath of emotions among me and my friends.
  • I'm skydiving every weekend, at multiple drop zones, planning trips to wind tunnels and Bridge Day.
  • I started dating a new boy who I'm kind of into. :-)
  • My big brother is getting married and final preparations are in full swing.
Let's see, those are just of the few things that are happening in my life right now. Not to mention that I'm slammed at work! No complaints here, of course, but this all leaves no time for me to consume or review anything....

Give me a couple weeks, I'll be back in full swing and ready to review anything and everything pumpkin flavored just in time for Halloween.



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