Huge surprise there, right? Given that Manhattan has become my home away from home these past 6 months.
Anywhosits. As I sit here, catching up on my Google Reader, I came across a post from my blogger buddy Susan over at Transient Travels. (She writes an amazing travel blog...a must read.)
Her most recent post entitled, "When Music Takes you Places" really hit home with me.

As a lover of music and someone who finds memories attach easily to sound - only beaten by smell in my book - I found there to be an endless number of songs that correlate to specific events or past times in my life.
So rather than record them all in Susan's comments, I thought I'd steal her post idea and make a list of my own.
What do ya think about that?!
Ha. Right, like I care what you think. I'm making the list anyway!
When I hear AC/DC's Thunderstruck I'm instantly back in Spartan Stadium, pre-game in the student section, back before they started using clips from the movie 300. This was a huge crowd booster as Sparty beat down the mascot from the opposing team.
As I mentioned to Susan, Untouched by The Veronicas takes me back to the Cessna-185 that I jump from at Cleveland Parachute. Somehow it's become the song I sing to myself as I climb to my knees and mentally prepare before each jump.
No Sunlight by Death Cab for Cutie takes me back to last year's trip to San Francisco. Actually, the entire Narrow Stairs album reminds me of my time in the city and the trip up to wine country.
If I want to travel back to my high school band camp days (shut up) all I have to do is turn on Hysteria by Def Leppard and I'm back on the top bunk, curled up with Marilyn Manson's autobiography and relaxing from a day of field marching (shut up!).
Slide by the Goo Goo Dolls takes me back to a summer pool party I had in high school. It definitely reminds me of a more innocent time. Though I still have a little crush on Johnny!
Fall Out Boy's Thanks for the Memories has strong ties to when I first moved to Cleveland and some decisions I made along the way. Enough said.
Rihanna's Disturbia is by far one of her best, and will always remind me of the 10 days I spent in New York City, gallivanting around Manhattan and hosting a week long even in Chelsea.
So tell me dear readers, what songs bring back vivid memories from your past?
Mostly older stuff-- like getting jiggy with it takes me back to my 5th grade talent show. Every time I hear Lil Wayne's Lollipop I think about my fun times in DC last year.
ReplyDeleteYou are so sweet :) I love your full list!