Monday, June 8, 2009

Can you hear it skipping?

I'm going to sound like a broken record here, but I still feel as if I'm sucking at life. 

I thought maybe if I wrote about it last week that things would change - but they haven't. Not one bit.

A few weeks back I read an interview with Lost's Evangeline Lilly in Women's Health where she had a great line that hit close to home: "I'm not a highly social person. I'm a highly productive person."

Now, for many of my blogger friends this may seem confusing, since getting me to shut my yap, even in the virtual world, is nearly impossible. However, if you look at my daily patterns, I have a tendency to keep to myself.

Regardless, this isn't exactly the point. The point I'm trying to make is that I'm not only sucking at my social life, but at being productive, too.

So what am I doing then? Seems to me like I'm half-assing a lot of things. Though I'm trying my best to stay engaged and dedicated to my work.

And, naturally, get in as much skydiving as possible. Even still, I feel a little guilty that I'm not out at the drop zone more.

Enough whining about it. This week I'm really going to set my goals high and accomplish everything I set my mind to - including regular trips to the gym, studying and practice for skydiving, tying up loose ends on the numerous chores I have started, and spending some quality time with the SO. Who knows, maybe I'll even catch up with a friend or two.

So tell me dear readers, how do you do it all without being preoccupied with the other things you should be doing?




  1. I'm actually shitty at doing it all. I usually choose one thing to focus on and the other parts of my life suffer greatly.

  2. I have to sit down and focus on one thing at once or else I never get anything done just lots of things half done.

  3. I'm with Maxie. I can only do one or two things really well at the same time. While everything else unravels...

  4. Yeah... I dont multitask well at all...

    but on a sidenote- can I just say I think Evangeline Lilly is super hot?

  5. maxie - that seems to be what's been happening lately.

    playful - half-assed is right!

    lilu - the guilt of that is eating away at me.

    matt - yes, because she is!
