For now, let's catch up on yesterday.
December 14 – Appreciate What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (Author: Victoria Klein)
What I don't like about this is that it's requiring me to pick only one thing. Because
there are lots of things that I've come to appreciate this year. But having to choose one was a very easy decision.
In 2010, I've come to appreciate my fiance. We've been together for nearly a year and 1/2 and a lot has happened. We've traveled, skydived, visited with each others family, made new
friends, revisited old friends, moved to a new city and essentially started over...all of this we did together. And because of that we've grown together, and we've grown a life of our own here in Chicago.

(With our friends Tod and John after a skydive)
All the little hiccups and challenges along the way have made what we've built just that much more rewarding. I'm really not sure what I'd do without him. He's been my rock when I've had tough times, and I like to think I've been his.
There's nothing quite like having a partner in life who you can count on to be there for you and support you, and do their best to understand you, even in times where they might be scratching their head a bit. It's not like family where they have to love you because you're family, but it's love that is chosen, they choose to be your family, and I truly appreciate that he's chosen to love me.
The hardest part of this question is what I do to show that appreciation, and I have to admit that it's not enough. I'm not sure I could do enough to show it. But I like to think that I offer the kind of love and support that he needs from me. I'm also a gift giver, I like to get little things every now and again, things that when I see them it just makes me think, "he'd like this."
That's probably not the best answer to the latter part of the question, but it's all I got ;).
So tell me dear readers, what's one thing you've come to appreciate this year?
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