When I first considered this, I had seen this Kona coffee at Trader Joe's that I just had to have - and given that it's Trader Joe's, it's rather inexpensive, or so I thought. The coffee I had my eye on was $20. EEH, wrong answer.
So I went with a similar Hawaiian coffee, called 100% Kauai. It's a medium roast, comes in a 13 oz jar of whole beans (which is nice, because freshly ground always tastes better) and it's packaging touts that it's aromatic, earthy and sweet.

And let me just tell you something - I'm so glad that the other stuff was too expensive for my taste, because this is the best coffee ever!
Okay so it's probably really not, but it's the best I've ever made at home. Hands down. When I was in Hawaii 10 years ago, I remember having the best cup of coffee there, while I was in Kona. I've never been to Kauai, but I can only imagine it's just as good - at least, now that I've tried this stuff.
All I need is a little Splenda to make this the perfect cup of coffee. It's so good, I almost missed my train the other day because I didn't want to put it down. It definitely gives me something to look forward to in the mornings. And tomorrow, you can bet that I'll have my morning cup, curled up on the couch with a good book!
So before I call it a day and get back to my favorite cup, let's get a little technical on this review:
-Aromatic - the packaging didn't lie, this coffee smells amazing, especially after grinding up the beans.
-Sweet - normally I use either a couple spoonfulls of Splenda or a packet of Sweet 'n Lo (ew, I know) to make my coffee drinkable. Barely need anything in this, it's got a yummy sweetness of it's own.
-Smooth - the label called it Earthy, I'm not that much of a coffee connoisseur to know what that actually means, but it does have a very smooth taste, nothing that kicks you in the jaw.
-Inexpensive - this is of course a huge plus for me. Got it for$6 I think...compared to the $20 I almost spent on another kind of bean from the same group of islands, which could be better, but for now, my wallet likes this!
Trader Joe's is the greatest! Glad you like it =)