We all know these people, the ones who hate their jobs to the core and who spend every day awaiting the weekend so they can start living.
Then there's that subset of people who take it a step further - the ones who live for Saturday, only to sleep most of it away, followed by a Sunday bitching that tomorrow is Monday.
Some life.
(Sorry, that was rude)
I'm not here to judge. If that's your cup of tea, enjoy it. Just don't make me drink it!
Attitudes like this are toxic, sometimes even contagious. Those of us who are trying to live out every day to the fullest have to struggle not to be swayed into this mindset when it surrounds us.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm one of the lucky ones. As I've mentioned before, I've got a day job that I truly enjoy, working with a fantastic team of incredibly smart people, a group of beyond amazing friends who I can count on for just about anything, a hobby that fills my weekends with fun and excitement, and the best friend, partner and lover a girl could ever ask for, living under the same roof.
Needless to say, I have lots of reasons to be embracing every day. But for those of you out there who can't seem to live for the moment, please, don't try to bring me down with you.
Lately I've been getting more and more Facebook and text messages from people who aren't working for one reason or another saying something to the effect of "sucks you're stuck at work! I took the day off to do X, Y, Z..."
Almost like, "ha! in your face. you're at work and I'm not."
All that makes me want to do is send them a message the next day saying "gosh, it sucks you're back at a job you hate and I'm enjoying mine. that really blows. :) neener!"
Of course that would accomplish nothing and I'd feel like a big turd for trying to make someone feel bad. That's never a goal of mine. Ever.
If there's one thing I've learned in the last year of my life, it's that arrogance and bragging don't get you very far in life. Neither does bitching about something. If you want it, go get it. If you don't like it, work to change it.
Spend the time that's wasted on spouting off at the mouth on something more constructive to make your life what you want it to be. Sure, we all have to do things we don't enjoy from time to time, and everyone has those days where they wish they could have done something else - even if it was just stay in bed. But as I see it those days should be few and far between, not the norm.
And if they are, and you are either content living that way or don't have the drive to make changes, then at least do those of us a favor who are out there embracing each day and fake it.
I'm going to hop down off my whining soapbox now and go back to doing something constructive. Have a lovely day! :)
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