So I do this every now and again - and honestly it's been too long since I have. I don't fully understand my own need to put things like this out on the interwebs, but I imagine, deep down, it has something to do with my wanting to better myself....and what a better way to do it than by admitting to stupid crap like this!
Owning up to it is the first step, right? :)
Well, here goes nothing. My (short) list of confessions.
1. I love the crazy, sometimes hectic life I lead. But there are some days I just want to be lazy, and I always feel guilty about that.
2. I check myself out in every reflective surface that I pass - windows, mirrors, clean cars...everything. Though not in the "oh I'm so hot" sense, I just catch myself looking for anything that might be out of place.
3. I have a skydiving blog and Facebook fan page so that I can post about skydiving whenever I want without my friends and co-workers thinking that my life completely revolves around the sport. Even though it pretty much does.
4. Lately I've been working on being more of an observer of how I lead my life and working to improve upon that. I've found a few areas that, with a little attention to detail, could make all the difference. But I'm not going to lie, even though I've figured it out and am working on it, it still stings a little when someone points out those flaws :-/
5. Yes, I am more sensitive than I let on. So be nice, damn it ;)
6. Right now I'm listening to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. And I like it.
7. Every time I eat, I get cold for 20-30 minutes after. Every. Time. Sometimes I'm shivering uncontrollably. I hate it.
8. I unfriended my ex on Facebook - not because I wanted nothing to do with him, but because he told me he wanted nothing to do with me...so I thought it would be easier for him if he didn't have to see my updates anymore.
9. It bugs me when things are uneven, like if I get my right foot massaged, I feel lop sided until my left is done too. I'm also bothered by odd numbered lists - so I'll leave this at 9 just to help me learn to deal with it.
So c'mon spill it! What are some of your current confessions?
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