Now, it's no secret that patience is not one of my strengths. When there's something I want, I want it now. And if it's something that needs to be done, I expect it to be done right. This used to mean that I would do just about everything I wanted done myself so that I knew it was done right. But, considering my career, I've had to loosen up on that and learn to trust a bit more.
Waiting in lines also has become less of a chore, but I can thank my iPhone for keeping my ADD brain busy and allowing me to multitask. Cuz as we all know, if I'm not doing more than one thing at a time, I'm not in my comfort zone :).
But even with these improvements, I'm still not a very patient person. I could never be a teacher. I thank my stars frequently that my brother decided to pursue a career in IT, making him the go-to with all computer and techie questions that my family can think up. I just don't have the patience to teach people who don't have the first clue about technology - it's easier to do that crap myself.
The funny thing is, even though I'm acutely aware of my lack of patience and need to work on this area of my life, I still expect that other people will be patient with me. Great example: I'm a question asker, an information seeker, if you will. I don't like to make decisions or give a concrete answer to anything unless I'm certain about what's being asked of me. So I have a tendency to ask questions to fill in the blanks...sometimes lots of follow up questions. This tends to irk some people who aren't from this same camp. And when frustration happens, I tend to lash out, just expecting patience to overcome them.
This, my friends, makes me a jerk.
I mean really, who can possibly expect perfection from others when I myself can fully admit to being FAR from perfect in every aspect of life. On top of that, I'll be the first to tell you that perfection is more times than not, completely annoying. Who wants to be surrounded by perfect people? I mean, they're just a constant reminder of how imperfect you are anyway, right? So expecting perfection is just asking for annoyance. C'mon Ashley, wise up already!
Wow, this post doesn't seem to be going in any real apologies if you're having trouble following.
I guess my point is this - I'm impatient, especially with people who aren't patient with me. Which is totally wrong on my part. But I'm aware of it, and I'm working on it. So, thanks to those who are patient with me while I work on my understanding of the fact that you're not all that patient either.
Um...even I'm having trouble following this logic now. But I hope it makes some sense, if you've been patient enough to have read this far.
I'm the same way. I have zero patience. I know this. But I notice that other people have to practice patience to put up with my freak-outs over having no patience. UGH. I feel ya.