Wednesday, June 23, 2010

30 before 30

As you may have noticed, I'm on this "focus on me" kick right now. So what a better way than to think about those things I want to do in the near future.

Typical interview question: "where do you see yourself in the next five years?"

That one's always been tricky for me, because honestly, I don't have a clue what I want to do with the rest of my life. I know that I like my career and that I'm happy with where my life has taken me so far, but of course I'm always striving for the best - not to mention that I'm always craving change.

Of course, this doesn't stop me from creating some goals for myself. I've never been one for a 5-year plan, that's just a disaster waiting to happen - when one piece of that plan doesn't go as, well, as planned, the rest is out the window.

But when I came across my friend's 30 before 30 list, I couldn't resist the challenge to put one together. So, I'm gonna shut up now and give you my list of 30 things I want to accomplish (in no particular order) before I hit the big 3-0. Which, for those who are counting, is more of a 4 year plan given that I just surpassed 26...

1. Get out of debt.

2. Own a dog.

3. Earn my SCUBA certification.

4. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.

5. See an outdoor play.

6. Travel to Amsterdam.
7. Get organized.

8. Move out of Cleveland.

9. Swim with dolphins.

10. Take a trip to Angel Falls.
11. Marry the love of my life.

12. Watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day.

13. Jump off the New River Gorge Bridge.

14. Spend a day at the spa.
15. Take my grandfather to dinner.

16. Wander NYC without a plan and see where it takes me.

17. Shoot a hand gun.

18. Travel with my father.

19. Sell some (more) of my photography.

20. Begin writing a book.

21. Be a muse for a photo or portrait.

22. Get a very personal, meaningful tattoo.

23. Write a living will.

24. Learn to dance and do it in public.
25. Get published in a national magazine.

26. Learn to ride a motorcycle (road bike, been there done that with dirt bikes).

27. Invest for my future.

28. Finish a crossword puzzle.

29. Take a wine appreciation course.

30. Learn to let go and stop caring so much what others think.

As you'll notice, some of these I'm well on my way toward accomplishing. This list is very do-able (aside from the crossword puzzle part, not so sure about that one)!

Though as I was generating this list, I came up with other, longer term goals that would be more a part of a bucket list. So I'm adding a #31 to this list:

31. Create a bucket list (see the start of it below):

-Skydive in New Zealand

-Establish and run a 501(c)3 (ideally before 30, but I'm not going to hold myself to that)

-Travel to Rio de Janeiro

-Go on vacation and leave my cell phone at home

-Buy a house

-Scuba Dive the Great Barrier Reef

-Enter a video contest

-Own a sports car

-Travel to as many destinations on the 1,000 Places to See Before You Die list.

So tell me dear readers, what's on your 30 before 30 list?



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