Can you tell I don't like to be kept waiting?
Between yesterday and today there have been a number of little things that have really added up to make my day just that much better. And since I'm in the list-making mood, I've decided to share these with you, just for kicks.
1. When you have consumed just the right amount of coffee: enough to keep you energized and focused without making you jittery.
2. Checking items off the to-do list. I love when big projects get tackled and the list starts to get smaller! At least, it makes room for new tasks, anyway. :-)
3. Making the right decision for dinner, and having your partner be excited about that. Enough said!
4. When you wake up in the morning and your hair already looks great. Washing and drying my hair before bed seemed to work in my favor today!
5. When writers block lifts and the words flow with ease.
6. Freshly painted finger nails!
7. Falling asleep on the BFs shoulder. This always makes me happy! (sorry for the sap, but sometimes it's just necessary)
8. When your inbox is cleaned and organized. It's rare, but it feels so wonderful!
9. Starting the day early and being productive! This ties nicely with #2.
Believe it or not, I'm going to end this list at 9. I can't think of a 10th and I'm certainly not going to force it.
So tell me dear readers, what are some of the little things that make your day?
Your #1 is spot on. Great minds think alike.