This is something I haven't been doing...
Most people start off a new year with resolutions to eat healthier - the BF and I baked a cake last night and had a piece (or two) at 10 o'clock; start a workout plan - I did just find a new yoga studio on my side of town that I'm already loving, so one point there; or get more sleep - we've been up past midnight the last few night playing Wii or watching old episodes of The Office on Netflix (I got him hooked on my favorite sitcom, oops).
Then there's me. The girl who resolved to clean up her sailor mouth. Which, is going pretty well actually; aside from the moment when I woke up today and realized I'd slept an hour longer than I wanted to.
My attempts at starting work by 7 a.m. have been foiled by the late night Wii playing I suspect. Needless to say, the day started with a giant F bomb.
This morning the BF mentioned in passing that I should have made it a resolution to break my dependence on the snooze button and he's right...there are some things I seriously overlooked when making my resolutions.
Who cares if it's already the 6th. The point is, I'm acknowledging these weaknesses and intend to work on them in the coming months.
So there. *raspberry*

-Clearly, the first on the list is to stop hitting snooze. I'll allow myself one snooze per day from here on out.
-Drink more water - I feel like I've been dehydrated ever since New Years. The soda drinking has come to an abrupt halt as well, so that should help.
-Get out of debt - this is huge and really should have been at the top of my resolution list from the beginning. It's very doable.
-Be in the moment - and appreciate the moment. Even the not-so-great moments. We so often fall into the trap of looking ahead, and sometimes, dwelling on the past, when there are amazing things happening right under our noses in the present time. This is a piece of advice I recently received and it's a damn good one, if you ask me. So, I'm going to try to live by it!
-Actually stick to my to-do lists - I love making lists (as you can tell) but I often set them aside when I get busy. So, let's try this again. It certainly won't be happening with this list ;-)
There are a lot of current projects in the works so I need to make sure that I take care of myself and stay on the ball with these resolutions. Baby steps to improvement...
And, just for shits and giggles, here's a picture from NYE. It started out as a decent photo - then our friend Tim took a flying leap onto the BF.
How are your resolutions going so far?
p.s. - by popular request, I'm starting to add a little more of myself back into this blog. So keep coming back to catch up on the shenanigans of my life.
I just found your blog and am loving it! I wish I'd thought of it;-) One of my resolutions is to drink more water as well. I've tried this a number of times and I've finally found something that works - using a straw. It may seem silly, but for some reason, it goes does easier and faster with a straw. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI seriously need to clean up my sailor mouth too. Good luck with your resolutions. I did great this week, I went to the gym twice already and had such healthy meals. I'm having wine now though, so...
ReplyDeletesailor mouth is a big thing for me. it's like a have this thing though that when i'm nervous i curse, it's something i desperately need to work on, especially because those situations that i'm nervous about are usually THE WORST situations to be cursing in...