As many of you who follow me on Twitter may already know, I'm a fan of the detox diet. More specifically, the 3-day fruit and juice detox.
Now you might be thinking, why on Earth would someone eat only fruit for three whole days? Well let me tell you - after a simple detox like this one, words can't even begin to describe how much better I feel.
Personally, this detox works wonders:
- I have more energy, even first thing in the morning.
- Cravings for salty, fatty foods is nearly gone.
- I'm better hydrated without even trying (constant water intake from eating alone)
- 3-5 pounds of permanent weight loss
- My mood boosts 10-fold
Those are just a few of the reasons I detox.
Add in a little exercise you'll feel even better - and sleep better too.
Now, before you get all crazy on me about messing up my body chemistry and not eating enough protein and all that, let me say this (about to preach, sorry).
The human body was not made to eat and digest meat (note our flat teeth and long intestines). Our ancestors lived off what they could gather from berries and fruit and nuts. Natural foods. Sure, they hunted, but who's to say they all consumed the meat, anyway?
Stepping down from my soapbox now.
Besides, how can you really say that consuming fresh, organic fruit for a few days is bad for you? With increased nutrients and water intake your body is probably thanking you. I know mine is.
I used to do just juice and water, but found that my energy was extremely low and I was beyond irritable. Consuming raw fruit keeps your body working, digesting. After a while, you don't even think about the cheeseburger or Chinese buffet you normally visit at lunch.
This is my take on the 3-day detox. If you don't like it, don't do it.
But if you do, and if you can make it past the cravings of day 1, it's easy sailing from there.
I highly recommend a detox every now and again (once every 6 months or so) just to reset your palate and start fresh, without those nasty cravings. There are a number of available guides you can find, just by Googling. I make my own plan based on what works for me. But I'm sure you can find one that will suit you, too.
All this coming from a girl who loves to eat more than almost anything. If I can do it, anyone can.
As a vegan, thank you for this post!
ReplyDeleteI tried to do one the a couple of weeks ago, but social plans got in the way. What kind of fruit do you eat and how often? I want to try again and you were pretty convincing :)
ReplyDeleteman, I bet your extra feisty, feisty. LOL! All kidding aside, I think that's great. :) Besides, (fresh) fruit is sweet and filling!
ReplyDeleteI respectfully disagree. We have incisors!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Asshole - you are very welcome.
ReplyDeletesusan - you definitely have to plan it well. I eat as often as I want, and the only fruit I avoid is bananas. I also drink that Naked juice stuff to switch it up a little.
anna - day 1, more than you can imagine. But after that I'm totally fine. And yeah, fresh fruit is really filling.
matt - we'll have to agree to disagree.
"Detoxing" the body is a complete myth.
Or Google: "Scientists explode detox myth"
You're also ignoring a lot of empiricle evidence when you say that humans wernt made to eat meat. It is a scientific fact that we are omnivorse.
You're pushing nothing but pseudo-science, this is like telling people to look at the stars and their horocopes when it comes to making their daily decisions, it's rediculous =)