It's become obvious that a little time away is needed.
Things just aren't operating as smoothly as they should. It's mostly my fault - too much time is being focused here when it should be devoted to other aspects of my life that, frankly, have been neglected as of late.
A little time off is definitely what is needed right now. In the end, it's a benefit to all of us.
It's important for you to miss me, to be happy to hear from me, to crave what you're missing when I'm not around.
Right now, that's not the case.
Maybe it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate; to take a look at our options. Is this going where we want it to? Are we benefitting from the current path we're on? Or is a change of course in order?
All things that have crossed my mind from time to time, though there hasn't been sufficient time to work through these thoughts.
I used to get caught up in life, now I'm absorbed in this whole new world and maybe I'm missing out, maybe I should be approaching this differently. There are endless opportunities, so many paths to choose from - am I headed down the right one? Or is there a better option, one that is beneficial to me, to you?
Yep, re-evaluation is in order. Time to take a step back and really look at what I want from all this. Just as importantly, probably even more so, what is it that you want from me?
Am I giving you everything you could hope for? Are there things that are missing? I hope you use this time to think about that, too, and give me constructive feedback so I can be the best you've ever had. I want you to want me.
Yep...I'm singing that in my head now, too.
Knowing me, I won't be able to stay away long. But hopefully, in the time I do take, I'll have an opportunity to figure everything out, and come back stronger than ever.
But just know, I'm still here. You know where to find me, if you miss me too much.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
You're the best.
Now I have cheap trick in my head too.