Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh St. Valentine

WARNING!! High cynicism levels to follow.

Valentine's Day is coming up - this Saturday to be exact.

Ack! What a stupid "holiday."

Sure, I'm all for celebrating our Saints, but according to Wikipedia: Of the Saint Valentine whose feast is on February 14, nothing is known except his name and that he was buried at the Via Flaminia north of Rome on February 14. It is even uncertain whether the feast of that day celebrates only one saint or more saints of the same name.

Ah, so it IS a Hallmark holiday?! They don't even know how many saints are involved or who this person really was! I think, instead, there should be more celebration of St. Anthony, the patron saint of all lost things, rather than this unknown dude, or dudes as it may be. That'd sure help me out a little more, anyhow, and I'm not even Catholic.

At least the commercials wouldn't be nearly as cheesy - I don't know about y'all but I'm pretty sick of all these jewelry commercials. I wake up singing "every kiss begins with Kay" and go to sleep hearing voices telling me that "he went to Jared."


My problem, really, is that there shouldn't be a day set aside to tell the people you love that you care about them. Why do you have to be told to do this?

And honestly, I don't need jewelry or flowers from a man to feel good about myself, and neither do most of the women I know. Sure, these things are nice -- please don't get me wrong, I'm by no means saying gifts are unwelcome -- I just don't want them if you feel obligated to do so. Of course, if you want to buy me diamonds or whisk me away to Europe just to show me how much you love me, I'm not opposed in the slightest.

But that's off topic...

This year, Valentine's will definitely be an interesting event as it falls on the weekend. I'm hoping to avoid places with high PDAs like the plague. Of course, the SO has something up his sleeve for the day, but if that's ordering take out and renting a movie, I'm completely content with that. I'm just looking forward to some uninterrupted time together for a change.

And on that sappy note - sorry, out of character, I know - what are your Valentine's plans?

Do y'all despise this day as deeply as I?




  1. I started making fun of VDay but when I looked at the Lady Friend's face I knew she was a Valentine's Girl.


    PS - the Word Verification was "Red Spit"

  2. I couldn't agree with you more. I have someone to celebrate it with and I still hate it.

  3. GNO in Tremont. Hey, at least we know any guys who are out solo definitely don't have GFs or wives, right? ;)

  4. dinner with the fam in canton for a birthday then out with a group on canton friends.

    meh. kinda boring.

  5. Yeah right, I know you love it!

    I was bent out of shape last weekend, but I'm pretty ambivalent now.

  6. Happy Valentines to you too, Ashley!!

  7. I don't know. I'm kinda at peace with Valentine's day, it doesn't really annoy me or anything, but it's just not for me.

    I am glad its on a saturday though, so I don't have to watch all the other girls in the office get flowers and oohh and ahh at each other.

    I'm planning on doing karaoke with a group of friends.

  8. narm - it knew what you were thinking about VDay!

    susan - it's not so much a hate of the day as it is of the obligation to do something for someone else.

    always - right!

    alexa - boring is sometimes better.

    jamie - it's just another day, really

    matt - Happy VALENTINES! I'll be sending YOU chocolate.

    anna - great point, though I'm sure flowers will appear on Friday.
