Yeah...so I intended to get my ass in gear this week and start operating on some form of a schedule, and that definitely hasn't happened.
Gah! Somehow I always manage to get derailed in my plans.
Maybe little Otis will help me with this. After all, he's not going to stand for my sleeping in when he's awake, hungry and wants to go out.
Note to self: quit referring to my dog as "little Otis." He acts big, and certainly thinks he's big, I don't want him to end up with some kind of complex just because mom's trying to be cute.
Referring to myself as mom sounds weird. I officially succeeded in creeping myself out.
Ugh, last weekend I downloaded that new All-American Rejects song Gives You Hell, honestly because the SO heard it on the radio and liked it, and then for some unknown reason I put it on my iPod, and it seems to come up an awful lot on shuffle mode. It's one of those GD songs that drills into your brain and gets stuck for days. It's playing right now.
Okay, so I just did a quick Google search on sticking to a schedule and came up disappointingly empty handed. Was really hoping to share something of value with y'all.
Speaking of y'all - the word, not as in you people. Sorry that was rude, I didn't mean you people, I meant my lovely readers - damn, I can't get to my point. The other day my southern accent came back, just for a brief period, it sounded so beautiful. Try as I might, I can't seem to scrounge that up to save my life now...I'd like to spread the love a little.
Wait, that wasn't my point at all. Oh hell!
I can't even stick to a post topic - within one post mind you - how on Earth do I expect to stick to a schedule. Looks like I might be f-ed.
Kinda like this post. Ha!
But, on a bright note, I'm in a fantastic mood today. In less than one month I'll be on a cruise sailing around the Caribbean. Okay, yeah, so you don't technically 'sail' on a cruise ship. Shut up, you get the point.
And tomorrow, I bring home my puppy! Which of course, y'all are just as excited about as I am, right? Cuz then I won't be all "I'm bringing home Otis in 2 days." Well joke's on you - now all you'll get is vlogs and pictures incessantly. But given that he's the cutest puppy in the world I'm sure you won't mind, right? RIGHT?!
Okay, this seems like a good place to end. I know, thank GOD right? Whew, this exhausted me too.