True story.
Early this morning, as I was getting out of my Saturn Vue in the parking garage below my office, a woman in a 3 series BMW pulled in next to me.
I was gathering my things as she got out of her car and proceeded to turn around and wait. As I climbed out and started toward the building entrance I realized, she was waiting for me.
C'mon now, lady. I'm not going to do anything to your precious car. Granted, I do drive a Saturn, but it's new, and pretty, and yes it's actually made of metal. And really, do I look like a girl who's about to smash open your passenger window and hot wire your car? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Being a little irked by this I decided to dawdle and fumble with my things a little longer, just to make her wait. Her anxiety shown through even more when she clicked the lock button on her key fob once more, in turn beeping the horn, just to let me know that indeed she did lock her precious vehicle.
Once I started toward the building she turned to walk five paces in front of me - as if she'd never even seen me.
To further test my theory - not that much testing was needed, given that it was 6:30 a.m., we were the only one's in the garage, and she was looking directly at me this entire time - I quickly spun back toward my car as if I'd forgotten something.
When she realized I was no longer on her heals, she stopped immediately, turned in my direction and proceeded to wait...again. Her glare could have burned a hole through me.
I shut my drivers side door and made clear eye contact as I locked my car, hitting the button twice, just to be smug.
As I followed her into the building, she pretended as if I wasn't there and never once held a door for me.
If you're going to non-verbally accuse me of wanting to steal your car, the least you can do is hold the door for me when I don't.
It could be the ski mask you've taken to wearing incessantly.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought.
maybe she didn't want to walk alone in the garage?
ReplyDeleteI probably would've said something like "maybe you should invest in one of those portable security cameras. It would save you a lot of time."
ReplyDeleteOOHH...that IS infuriating! You should've said something to her.
ReplyDeleteand really lady? a bmw? if there is one thing i've learned in dallas, the bmw is the poor man's luxury car. they're really not uncommon anymore. not sure why she felt the need to be hyper protective of her car!
lol, you look nothing like the type of person that is going to steal a car. and even if you were, what was she going to do about it?
We have ton of those here. Just because you drive BMW or MB or Lexus they think they are better than you. But actually they are lower in my book.
ReplyDeleteHate it. I would've totally said something to her.... Rude people won't gain anything.
you should have told her you weren't interested in stealing her foreign POS... come on, what a twat, you know I would have said something haha. But you are a better person for not ;)
ReplyDeleteluke - definitely a possibility...
ReplyDeleteallison - had she not been so rude after the face I may have thought the same.
willtherebecake - at the time, I was speechless. I wasn't entirely sure what she was doing at first.
miss merry - the strange part is that she pulled in on the passenger side, I wasn't even near her car.
maki - i totally should have said something.
jennie - could have used your quick wit on this one.
ummmmm what a bitch. you were right with that statement.
ReplyDeleteHa! That is awesome. Well played.
ReplyDeleteI would have taken up permanent residence in my car just to irk her.
Jeeze - if she feels like she needs to watch out for her car that much it probably wasn't worth getting the beamer.
I always thought Saturns were made out of a fiberglass sort of substance...
ReplyDeleteyou mean to tell me they actually use metal?
alexa - that was the only fitting title.
ReplyDeletepeterdewolf - I considered dragging it out longer, but I had work to do myself.
susan - it was weird. I thought she knew me at first or something. Then I realized she just found me suspicious
matt - 2008s are made of metal. Saturn is turning over a new leaf.
Maybe she just thought you were a total bad ass
ReplyDeleteso@24 - that would make sense...given that I am ;-)