That's typically what I am all year.
I'm a cynical 20-something with high expectations and an ability to attract uncomfortable situations.
Though people tell me I bring them good luck - at least I'm helping someone out in the end.
Regardless, normally I would focus on the fact that the upcoming holidays mean that winter is upon us and the bad weather has only just begun - which means driving in snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Not to mention enduring hours of forced family gatherings, spending my hard earned paycheck on gifts for my cousin's husband's sister who will be joining the family around the Christmas tree, and figuring out how to take off the 10 pounds I gained from eating only cookies and pie over the holidays - given that my carnivorous family neglects to accommodate the vegetarian.
But today, I'm not going to think about these things. Nope.
So to change it up a bit, I wanted to talk about all the things I have to be thankful for, given that this is the time of the year to give thanks (Thanks-giving...even I can figure that one out).

My job - in this economy, who wouldn't be happy to have a job, especially one they can say they enjoy getting up for in the morning.
The accidental hair color change - sure, I wanted to go a little darker, but now I'm officially not a blonde anymore. And you know what, I really like it!
Discovering Americanos - yes, this is something that happened just this past year, apparently I'm behind the times. Regardless, without this lovely addiction I may not be able to make it through the day.
New routines - with the commitment to a marathon and my recent book obsession, I've taken my weekly routine to a new level. Unless of course I get a midweek invitation for dinner at Lola - I will be dining there tonight hoping, in the back of my mind, that Michael Symon makes an appearance.
Photography - without this hobby I wouldn't be who I am. It's the ultimate creative outlet for me. And, I've even started selling now. So, keep an eye out. If I post something here you like, I'm happy to get you a print!
Being the black sheep - over the years I have come to realize I'm the black sheep of my family. It's not all bad - I cherish this status, actually. And because it's widely understood, I have an excuse to bail out at times, or just not show up. But of course, I will be showing up in Michigan for Thanksgiving weekend (hence the early 'thankful' post, if you hadn't caught on before). Though I am thankful for my little family which will be getting bigger shortly when my brother and his new fiancee tie the knot.
Longstanding friendship - this is the time of year to cherish those nearest to you and I've really learned over the last year how valuable my friends in this city, back home, and around the country are to me. Thanks guys *tear*
My independence - as much as it may seem like I'm a little harsh on my family, I wouldn't trade them for the world because they taught me how to be strong and independent. That's something I hold onto tightly.
Social media- these tools really help me in all aspects of my life, especially those things above. Maybe that makes me a geek (okay, so I know it does, when your significant other is in finance and you casually mention 'tweeting' in conversation, you're bound to get the look of, 'holy crap, I had no idea you were such a nerd!')
So really, I'm thankful for being a nerd - and quite proud if I do say so myself.
What are all y'all thankful for?
I REALLY hope to get a DSLR so I can pretend to be a photographer.. like.. now. hah
ReplyDeleteI REALLY hope to get a DSLR so I can pretend to be a photographer.. like.. now. hah
ReplyDeleteDeutlich - pretending is fun, I do it everyday :-)
ReplyDeleteIf those things make you a nerd, then I'm with you on that one.
ReplyDeleteplayful - glad to know i'm not alone on that one!