I love it.
I get all excited just thinking about it. Much thanks to Narm for his Autumnatic post providing the inspiration.
There are so many elements to the season that make me happy. The cooler weather - if I can wear jeans and a hoodie outside and be comfortable it's perfect - the smells, the colors, the spirit.
Every year I look forward to fall. The changing leaves, the crisp morning air, cider mills. The unending opportunities to capture the beauty of the changing landscape. And of course football season, which brings a host of other amazing autumn traditions like tailgating, cornhole (or Bags, as we Michiganders call it), spiced cider and hot chocolate to stay warm in the stadium, 'couch Sundays' to recover from tailgate Saturday.
Heading back up to East Lansing to tailgate with my dearest college friends each fall is one of my favorite past times. Though Michigan State's football team isn't the top of the Big 10, our fans are some of the best. We stand by our team (though we're not shy to fire our coaches), and every year Spartan Stadium is proven to be one of the loudest and most difficult stadiums to play on the road. Go Green!!
See, I'm already getting all fired up!
So tell me, dear readers, what are your favorite fall past times?
Definitely cider mills, they arre unique to MI and you can't beat a delicious cup of cider and caramel apple by the river/creek of your favorite cider mill.
ReplyDeleteTailgates have got to be a close 2nd though :)
I am SO pumped for fall and not just because it means sweaters and layering. I'm so excited to go apple picking, and pumpkin picking, and checking out the haunted corn mazes, and the parks with changing leaves.
ReplyDeleteAnd cider! And pie! And so many other things!
Oooh. Tailgates. I'll admit I'm the worst tailgater of all time. I tailgate too hard and never EVER make it to the game.
i LOVE the fall but i don't like the winter (except for December)... so it's a bitter sweet time of the year
ReplyDeleteFootball is my mistress this time of year. Nothing gets in the way on Sundays - what better way to get over your Saturday hangover than a Sunday buzz?
ReplyDeleteSam Adams Oktoberfest.
ReplyDeleteAnd, sweaters.
My favorite is definitely driving through the fall leaves changing. So beautiful!
ReplyDeleteFOOTBALL!!!! and light sweaters.
ReplyDeleteas i wrap myself in my cardigan.
jennie - cider mills are the best way to enjoy fall to the fullest, the sights, the smells, and of course, the spiked apple cider!
ReplyDeleteben - on occasion I've been known to head up to rural Michigan just for the haunted corn maze.
so@24 - rarely do my friends and I get tickets, for this very reason.
deutlich - yeah, I'm with you on winter. The cold, the wind, the road conditions, blech!
narm - everyone says tailgating for Browns games are amazing, this may be something I have to check out this season.
transienttravels - oooh, I forgot to mention pumpkin ale. mmmmm....
playful - I can just see you playing in the leaves!
alexa - sweaters are the best!