The conversation arose due in part to a reference to one of my close friends that tends to fall off the map from time to time and just not show up. We consider him socially bi-polar because one minute he's all excited to hang out and the next he decides not to show and disappears for a couple weeks.The next thing you know, he's back and excited about the next opportunity to plan something and be a no-show.
This conversation has me thinking about other types of bi-polarish behavior out there, so I've come up with the following examples from my personal experience. If you know of any others, I'd love to hear about them.
1. The Office bi-polar - one minute they can't praise you enough, the next they are e-mailing in all caps or calling to tell you how stupid you are (yes, in fact, I've have both of those happen).
2. The Relationship bi-polar - this is the person who is all excited about the relationship, is really into it and into the other person, then decides maybe this isn't the case. Shortly after breaking it off, they are back claiming they've made a huge mistake. (note: we are not referring to those casual instances where someone keeps coming back for more action, this is in a legitimate relationship.)
3. The Drunken bi-polar - this is that friend who is super shy and quiet, but when drunk you will find her dancing on tables and taking her top off. This also is the friend who is super happy go lucky and becomes the extreme emotional drunk where crying and yelling and fighting ensue.
4. The bi-polar sports fan - we all know this guy, some like to call him the fair weather fan. He loved the Pistons until Ben Wallace left, then we lost to the Cavs and he jumped ship. Now he's back in his Prince jersey "knowing" they'll win it all this season. C'mon Jack, true fans don't work that way. He could take a lesson or two from the devoted Brown's fans in town.
5. The Grass-is-always-greener bi-polar - these folks always want what you have, then when they have it, they're not so impressed. So they go back to their old ways and remain as unhappy as always - and they let everyone know about it.
6. The Social bi-polar: as described above, this guy just doesn't show - even when he's the one who's arranged the outing. What gives?
7. True bi-polar: we can't forget to leave these guys off the list. There's one in my life that I will not discuss to preserve anonymity.
(Editor's note: bi-polar disorder is a serious personality issue that should not be joked around about, and this is not my intent. Rather, I'm making fun of all those people who just can't seem to stay on one side of a decision, thought, or experience for more than 10 minutes).
What are some of the bi-polarisms you've experienced?
I think I am a Blogger Bi-Polar - one week I am reading 600 posts and posting every day - the next I can't even send two comments per day.
ReplyDeleteTrying to date someone like that...Impossible. Tried it recently. It'll make you crazy.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, I have in the past I been a bit of a flake, but I know how annoying it is, so I've tried to force myself to stop. A friend has a motto that you say yes and do everything because you never know what will happen.
Sorta like my favorite line from The Darjeeling Limited:
"Let's make a vow right now to say 'yes' to everything, even if it's shocking or painful."
I'm with Narm. One day I'm keeping up with all my blogs and the next I'm ignoring my google reader.
ReplyDeletenarm - right there with ya. I've been trying to make a conscious effort lately to read and comment because I know how much I love the comments of others!
ReplyDeletejamie - yeah, dating one is crazy, hence the friendship status. Problem is he's a super fun guy when he shows up, so you almost have to play along.
allison - occupational hazard? that's where I place blame.
Drunken bipolar is the best!
ReplyDeleteA, it's *always* got to be about you. I was talking about ME.
Sorry, long day.