Rather than discussing an interesting personal encounter, I wanted to share a
recent article that appeared on MSN about the priorities of 20-somethings, specific to one's career choices (and given the popular response I received on Twitter today, I figured, why not start a discussion here). The author shares her dilemma in choosing between love and career growth, whether to move for love or stay planted for local educational opportunities in order to advance in her career. This article hit close to home, as I am a 20-something who is struggling to find balance between growing my career and my social circle. And adding relocation and acclimating to a new city to the mix (like yours truly) can make things even more complicated.
In the end, the author made the best choice to fit her lifestyle. But the question remains - to build your career in your 20s or find a mate and settle down? I'm a believer that you can have both. How, is the question...
Take a gander at the article and share your thoughts, dear readers, and advise a single, 20-something, career driven woman as you see fit.
I wanted to come on and say that it is much harder to find a good relationship than a good job - but my responsible side came through and argued that you have to be happy with yourself and your own accomplishments to be happy in a relationship.
ReplyDeleteIts like having an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other pulling you in different directions. The trick is to find out which is which.
So, in conclusion, I have added nothing.
You're welcome.
Thanks for the add on 20sb! I can’t wait to read more of your blog.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to your question, I think that I've got nothing, either. The article wasn't very helpful, though. Basically the "experts" just said that balance is important. But, what happens when a major deadline and an anniversary occur simultaneously? Or you move for a guy and then realize it doesn't work? Or you don't move and that's the major reason why it falls apart?
I guess I'm just a cynic, though.
I think that you can really do both and do both well. I'm happily married and working on a career at the same time. My husband is going to be a lawyer and husband at the same time, and he's doing a good job at it so far. I really do think it's possible. I guess at one point you have to make the decision what is more important- for me I'd take love, something that's longer lasting.
ReplyDeletenarm - "you have to be happy with yourself and your own accomplishments to be happy in a relationship," well said. I couldn't agree more. But which is a relationship, the angel or the devil?
ReplyDelete1scrambledegg - the article didn't really provide much substance and seemed to promote relationships over career growth. Unfortunately, it's not that simple, what works for some won't work for others...I too am a cynic.
playful - props for making it work. I envy your ability to keep the balance. And congrats on the new job!