Okay, so it's been a while and I have a laundry list of backlogged reviews to post, but I want to start with one that's top of mind.
The Chicago Water Taxi.
For those who may not know, I got a new job back in May. And it's absolutely fabulous. However, until this week we didn't actually have an office here in Chicago, so I was working from home.
I know many people out there think that's probably totally amazing to be able to work from home, but let me tell you it gets challenging when you don't have an "office space" of sorts. I was either sitting on the couch or at the kitchen table. I didn't have a dedicated space to be focused. Not good.
Needless to say I was excited when we opened our office in River North this week. Being a suburb commuter, that's a bit of a hike from Union Station, but I have to say the Shoreline Water Taxi has already become my friend. It's only one block from Union and it drops me off a couple block from the office. Super quick, no traffic to deal with, and no smelly cabs with jerky drivers to make me car sick. And, at $2 a ride it's a steal.
So, if you're a Chicago commuter, I highly recommend the water taxi if you can swing it. Only downfall is that it stops running on Sept 30...looks like I'll be a bus taker for the winter...fun!