As a woman, there's one thing that's always confused me about our gender.
The need to wear overly high heels.
What did you think I was referring to?...And now you can remove your head from the gutter.
But really, what's the point? Sure, I get the idea of heels making your calves and ass look amazing, and they sure do help, but from my experience this can be accomplished with a small heel - inch or two tops will suffice.
What's more, I'm a shorty! Topping out at 5'3" there are days where I could use the extra height, but honestly, my favorite pair of dress shoes are a black, round toe MaryJane that maybe, just maybe bring me to 5'5". I suppose I've embraced my short stature, but I still don't get the women out there who think they need shoes like this to survive.

Okay, so that's an exaggeration, of course. But I just saw this girl walking in my building in what was probably 5" heels and she was walking as if she was healing from two broken legs. She was wobbly and clearly very uncomfortable. Not to mention that she was moving at a snails pace, because really, who can take a normal stride in tall, pointy shoes?

I mean really, this just doesn't look comfortable.
In this country, our obsession with high, tight, pointy, uncomfortable women's shoes boarders on insanity. When I see a woman who has stuffed her feet into a pair of pumps that her tootsies clearly want to revolt against (have you seen the women whose feet spill over the side of their shoes because they're shoved in so tightly - it looks like they have foot fat, seriously), I can't help but think about the foot binding that Chinese women are subjected to.
So my question is this - can anyone explain to me exactly what the point is?
Cute shoes don't have to be this uncomfortable. And as I noted before, an inch or two will get just about anyone where they want to be with that extra lift. So unless you're 4'6" and really, truly need the extra height, what's the point?
I'm sticking with my comfy 1 inchers and keeping my head high - well as high as it can go - and being proud of my short little legs.