So as you're all probably aware I'm a huge fan of Susan over at
Transient Travels.
What? You haven't visited her site before. What the hell are you waiting for? Go now!
Oh, wait. WAIT! How about after you finish reading. Okay? Thanks.
Today's topic of discussion is inspired by her
recent post on the things she'd like to accomplish by the end of the summer - which, if you hadn't noticed, is fast approaching.
In the spring I had come up with a few goals for the coming months, a summer bucket list, if you will, and it's about time I see where I've ended up and where I've yet to go. So, shall we?
#1 - Earn my skydiving license by the end of the season. CHECK!
Two weeks ago I passed my check dive with flying colors and am the proud owner of this number: A-56008. Now, with A license in hand I'm debating on the ability to earn my B license by the end of the season. After all, there's still so much time left to jump.
#2 - See an outdoor concert. CHECK!
The intent was to go to
Blossom, but I never made it there. Though I did make it out to see
O.A.R at The
Nautica Pavilion a couple months ago. That'll likely be the only one I make it to this year.
(editor's note: for all those who refer to O.A.R as oar - yes, like the paddle - you're wrong. It's an acronym. It stands for Of A Revolution. Now you know.)
#3 - Vacation in LA with the college crew. CHECK!
Yes, I still owe y'all a post on this. But honestly, I want to include pictures and I didn't take many. Once I get some from my friends I'll do a post. Promise.
#4 - Pack parachutes at my drop zone. FAIL!
Yes, I learned to pack for my license. Yes, I'm still terrible at it. The intent was to be a packer to pay for jumps, but when I was given the opportunity to work ground crew at demos, take pictures and work manifest instead, well, I chose the latter options.
#5 - Start a professional blog. CHECK!
Though this wasn't exactly the path I'd imagined.
My professional blog is actually for skydiving rather than social media. But to my surprise,
SkydiveChick has taken off in just a short time. I was actually recognized at a drop zone (no, not mine, thankyouverymuch) as The Skydive Chick. Crazy!
#6 - Run a 1/2 marathon. HUGE FAIL!
I never even registered. And I certainly didn't train. In fact, I've pretty much given up my competitive running hobby. Between broken feet and sprained vertebrae over the years, my body has taken enough beatings from this sport. So I've moved on to jumping out of airplanes. What of it?
#7 - Get out of debt. MINOR FAIL.
With all that I've been spending I really should be in deeper than I am. But really, aside from skydiving and traveling I haven't spent much money. I can't tell you the last time I went to the mall, or bought anything that wasn't related to skydiving for that matter.
#8 - Tone up for my brother's wedding. CHECK!
The best part is that I haven't even been trying. Believe it or not, I've lost 10 pounds since I stopped working out. And the parachuting has really helped with muscle tone. Yes, it's more than just falling out of an airplane.
#9 - Go to Cedar Point. CHECK!
I in fact did make the yearly trip to
Sandusky for a day of thrills. Though by 5:00 in the afternoon we were exhausted, so we called it a day earlier than usual. Still a great time!
So as I look into the late summer and fall, there are still some things I want to accomplish - above and beyond getting my B-license and getting out of debt.
>Be a better vegetarian. I've cheated on this more than I'd like to admit this summer. Each and every time I think a burger is a good idea I end up feeling terrible, too. I'd like these lessons to start sticking.
>Get some tunnel time. Luckily I was recently asked to take a trip to
New Hampshire as part of a 4-way for some quality time in the wind tunnel. I'm pumped.

>Get back into yoga. This fell off the map after my cruise in the spring. But yoga is so good for your body and your mind...I need to make it back to
Inner Bliss soon.
>Attend two tailgates. Whether or not I actually make it to an MSU football game this year, I definitely want to make it up to a tailgate or two. Last year was filled with tailgating fun. I certainly don't intend on missing out this year.
>Visit the cider mill. It's one of those fall things I look forward to every year. There's nothing like picking out a pumpkin, eating a donut and sipping on some cider to welcome fall with open arms.

>Take a trip to Wisconsin. Two of my best friends live there. It's the least I can do by going back again this year.
What do you want to accomplish before the end of the summer?