As I look out my window at the rising sun, the corners of my mouth are turning up slightly - yes, just slightly, I haven't had my coffee yet, alright - because it's starting to feel like spring is here.
Living in the North, a frozen tundra from November until March, April, or even May, sometimes it can feel like the warmth will never come. Of course, once the 80+ degrees and 99 percent humidity of mid-summer hits it's easy to forget the cool breeze that accompanies a crisp winter morning.
When it comes down to it, I tend to be a fan of the North. I know, I know. After this brutal winter I must sound f-ing crazy. But truth of the matter is, it's only socially acceptable to take off so many clothes before you just have to suffer the heat and sweat it out, but you can always put on more clothing...
Yeah...now you see my point, eh?
If not, come back in the heat of the summer and
then tell me how you feel about it.
so not the point.
Spring has a way of getting me excited - in more ways than one.
Now would be a good time to remove your head from the gutter, because I'm talking about a few
other little gifts of spring that I enjoy:
Daylight savings. Now, I know I bitched about this
last week, because it definitely threw me off - way more than it ever has before - but I do love the longer daylight hours at night, and honestly, it's great to get out of bed and head to work when it's still dark in the morning.
Leaving the windows open. At the house, in the car. Oh how I love the feel of spring breeze.
Warm rain. Though most of the year I bitch incessantly when it rains, a good spring rain has this way of making everything green, and it smells so refreshing. It's also pretty great to run in - and speaking of running...
Running outside. Sure, I do this on occasion in the winter, when the roads aren't icy and I know I won't kill myself. But it's so much more pleasant in the warmer months and your lungs aren't screaming from sucking in the below zero wind chills.
NCAA basketball. Can you say March Madness?
Seasonal fruits and veggies. Seeing ripe avocado in the grocery store makes me want to make a big batch of guacamole, pick up a case of Corona and throw a party for my friends out on my porch. Oh wait, I just might do that...
Baseball season. Though I've never been much of a follower, because 100+ games a season is just too much to handle, baseball screams American fun. Watching the sport on TV is out of the question for me - there's just not enough going on and the men aren't pretty enough to watch chewing and spitting and scratching in the dugout - but going to games with a group of friends is always a great time. What's even better, I'm an
Indian's fan! So for once I can actually watch a sport with my friends in this town and be cheering on the same team. W00t!
(Front row, upper deck at Game 3 of the ALCS in 2007. Last play before the win!) Peaceful walks to the park, sitting by the lake. The park is just a short walk from my apartment, and the first summer I moved here I found this great little spot to perch on a rock by the lake. It's secluded and really helps me clear my head.
(A shot from perched atop my favorite rock.)
Patios. Come springtime everyone is out and about. In the North, 40 degrees means shorts weather for some. And you gotta love when all the bars open up their patios for the summer. There's nothing like a refreshing beer on the patio with good friends.
Flip Flops. Enough said.

Of course, these are all in addition to the obvious benefit of being able to walk outside without snot freezing to your face.
So tell me dear readers, what is your favorite spring past time?