Today I'm going to veer away from consumer reviews and take a look at everything 2009 brought. It certainly was a life-changing year for me, so much happened, so much changed and it's ended incredibly. It's safe to say I'm happier than I've ever been.
There have even been some recent circumstances that proved to me just how great things are now! But that's far from the point...
Today I'm looking back on some of those events that have brought me to where I am today and maybe I'll even put some of my resolutions out there for y'all to hold me to.
By the way, the inspiration for this post comes from a lost blogger buddy who I recently caught back up with on the 20SB network. He was missing my "old blog."
So, this one is for you Matt!
I was thinking about going month by month here, but some months have nothing to report while others are jam packed with excitement. Then I contemplated numbering them, but I couldn't decide if I should go in order of importance or chronologically. So this is what you get. Deal with it.
- Spending 5 days in the Caribbean - This was in March/April last year. I learned that I shouldn't take trips during March Madness. I can't stand missing the games. I also learned that at least one full week vacation is needed every year, if for nothing else than my sanity.
- Making my first skydive - as y'all are probably acutely aware, this opened the biggest door of my life. Because of this tandem jump in Miami I have learned so much about what I'm capable of accomplishing. It also brought me so many new experiences: jumping from balloons and helicopters, meeting new friends, becoming a Skydiving Blogger, introducing me to the love of my life, giving me a community of people who encourage and support one another...the list goes on.
- Sticking to my vegetarianism - this is something I resolved to do last year and, aside from the occasional cheat, I've done a pretty good job. I'd like to get even better this year.
- Being a part of my big brother's wedding - this was an incredible weekend. I have a new sister and she's lovely! And Michigan State beat Michigan this day too.
- Getting a dog - and then doing the right thing and providing him with a better home. It wasn't an easy decision to make, but on the "trial weekend" Otis and I had, I learned that there was no way, what with my frequent travel and skydiving, that I could provide him the home he deserved.
- Going to Bridge Day - this year I was the personal photographer for my boyfriend at Bridge Day. There were some things that happened that will forever stay at Bridge Day, but needless to say it pumped me up for my first BASE next year. This was also the weekend of my first interview with Traventure Man - and the start of a new friendship.
- College reunion in Los Angeles - finally, the old college crew got together! We spent 5 days together in LA, where Chris and Jon moved after graduation. It was incredible. We even got to meet Josh Duhamel at the Dodgers game. We learned that none of us can drink the way we used to - some of us found that out the hard way. I hope we can do this again next year!

- Losing a friend - this year some of my friends and I went through the loss of a dear friend. Here's a little something about Dan. The community that came together to celebrate his life is incredible.
- Spending Labor Day at the Work Stinks Boogie - here's a great recap on that weekend.
- Moving in with the boyfriend - this is currently still in progress. Tomorrow is the final move in day and I couldn't be more excited.
So I have some lofty goals for 2010 - here's a snippet of what I'm looking to accomplish:
- Stop spending money during work hours - read: online purchases, trips to the snack shop. So much of my paycheck would be saved if I made my lunch at home and quit making trips to Starbucks. Office coffee is just fine - especially since it's free!
- Pull off a successful Jump for Diabetes - the BF hosted the Inaugural Jump for Diabetes last year and I sold a few raffle tickets. This year, we're partnering up to make it an even bigger success. Lots of planning to be done.
- Bring the cursing down to a minimum - my potty mouth has gotten bad. Really bad. It's not attractive and certainly something I'm not proud of. Naturally, there are moments where it is necessary, which is why I'm not resolving to quit altogether. Baby steps with this one - but I've been challenged, so bring it!
- Learn to snowboard - even if it's just enough to get myself down the hill for now.
- Grow exponentially as a skydiver - I'd like to become a better freeflyer, get my coach rating, dabble in freestyle, travel to as many boogies as possible, become a better freefly partner, gain strength, flexibility and control...so on and so forth. This also means growing my profile in the community as the Skydive Chick. Check me out on Twitter and over at my blog.
- Reconnect with my love for photography - I've just been plain bad about this. I'd really like to travel more, get some scenery. Maybe I'll head out to the slopes and take some pictures of the boy doing his thing.
So tell me dear readers, what did you accomplish this year, and what are your goals for 2010?